Section 20L: Utilisation of land for the purpose it is acquired

1[20L. Utilisation of land for the purpose it is acquired. –(1) The land acquired under this Act shall not be transferred to any other purpose except for a public purpose, and after obtaining the prior approval of the Central Government.

(2) When any land or part thereof, acquired under this Act remains unutilised for a period of five years from the date of taking over the possession, the same shall return to the Central Government by reversion.]

1. Ins. by Act 11 of 2008, s. 3 (w.e.f. 31-1-2008)

Simplified Explanation

Section 20L of the Railways Act, 1989 governs the usage of land acquired for the purposes outlined in the Act. It ensures that the land acquired under the Act is used solely for the designated purpose and stipulates a process for handling unused land.

Key Provisions:

  1. Restriction on Transfer of Land:
    • The land acquired under this Act cannot be transferred to any other purpose except for a public purpose.
    • Any transfer of the land to another purpose requires prior approval from the Central Government.
  2. Reversion of Unutilised Land:
    • If any land (or part of it) acquired under this Act remains unutilised for a period of five years from the date of taking possession, the land reverts to the Central Government.
    • This provision ensures that the land is used for the intended public purpose and is not left idle for long periods.


  • Public Purpose and Accountability: By restricting the use of the acquired land to public purposes only, Section 20L ensures that the land is used effectively and for the intended goals, preventing misuse or diversion for non-public uses.
  • Central Government Oversight: The requirement for prior approval from the Central Government before transferring the land to any other purpose establishes a mechanism of accountability and oversight, ensuring that any change in land use is thoroughly evaluated and justified.
  • Reversion Clause to Prevent Land Hoarding: The reversion clause addresses the issue of land not being put to use. If the land is not used for its designated purpose within five years, it automatically returns to the Central Government, preventing land hoarding and ensuring that unutilised land can be repurposed or redistributed for other projects.


Section 20L ensures that land acquired under the Railways Act is used for the public purpose for which it was acquired and establishes safeguards against land misuse or idling. It places accountability on the Central Government for any changes in the use of the land and ensures that unused land returns to the government after five years, promoting the efficient and effective use of public land resources.

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