Section 105: Right of railway administration to check contents of certain consignment or luggage

Section 105 of The Railways Act, 1989 grants railway administrations the right to inspect the contents of consignments or luggage when the consignor has declared the value of the goods under Section 103. This inspection is conducted to ensure that the goods being carried match the description and value declared by the consignor.

Text of Section 105:

“Where the value has been declared under section 103 in respect of any consignment, a railway administration may make it a condition of carrying such consignment that a railway servant authorised by it in this behalf has been satisfied by examination or otherwise that the consignment tendered for carriage contains the articles declared.”

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Declaration of Value under Section 103:
    • As discussed in Section 103, a consignor can declare the value of a consignment and pay an additional percentage charge to increase the railway administration’s liability for any loss, damage, or deterioration of the consignment. This allows the consignor to secure compensation for goods based on the declared value in case of mishaps during transit.
  2. Railway’s Right to Inspect:
    • Section 105 empowers the railway administration to inspect the contents of consignments for which the value has been declared.
    • The railway administration can make it a condition of carriage that the railway servant (an authorized railway employee) must inspect the consignment to verify that it contains the goods as declared by the consignor.
      • This inspection could be through physical examination or other methods, ensuring that the contents of the consignment match the description and value declared.
  3. Purpose of Inspection:
    • The primary purpose of this inspection is to prevent fraud or misrepresentation of the contents of a consignment. For instance, the consignor may declare high-value goods to obtain higher compensation in case of damage but may actually send goods of lesser value.
    • The inspection helps ensure that the consignor’s declaration matches the actual contents of the consignment, providing a level of protection for both the consignor and the railway administration.
  4. Authorized Railway Servants:
    • The inspection must be conducted by a railway servant authorized by the railway administration for this purpose. This ensures that the process is managed by trained and authorized personnel, maintaining proper records and procedures for the inspection.
  5. Conditions for Carriage:
    • The railway administration may choose to refuse to carry the consignment or impose specific conditions if the consignor refuses the inspection or the contents are found to differ from the declared description. This helps the railway avoid liability for consignments that do not meet the stated description or that are misrepresented.

Practical Application:

  1. For Consignors:
    • When a consignor declares the value of a consignment under Section 103, they must be aware that the railway may require them to allow inspection of the consignment to verify its contents.
    • The consignor should ensure that the actual contents of the consignment align with the declaration to avoid potential legal disputes or complications. If discrepancies are found, the railway may reduce the amount of compensation or refuse to carry the goods.
  2. For Railway Administrations:
    • The railway has a right to verify the contents of any consignment with a declared value. This is a protective measure to prevent fraudulent declarations and ensure that the railway is not unfairly held liable for claims based on incorrect or misrepresented consignments.
    • This inspection ensures that the terms of liability under Section 103 are based on accurate information, safeguarding the railway’s interests.
  3. For Legal Professionals:
    • Lawyers and advocates working with consignors or railway administrations should ensure that clients are aware of the possibility of inspections under this section when goods are being transported with a declared value.
    • They should also counsel clients on the importance of ensuring that the contents match the declared description, as discrepancies could lead to liability issues or even the refusal of carriage.


Section 105 of the Railways Act, 1989 provides railway administrations with the right to inspect consignments where the consignor has declared the value. This inspection ensures that the goods match the description provided by the consignor, preventing fraud and ensuring that the railway administration is not unfairly held liable for misrepresented goods. The consignor must allow the railway’s authorized servant to verify the contents, and if discrepancies are found, the railway may reduce liability or refuse to carry the consignment. This section enhances transparency and protects both the railway and the consignor.

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