IPC Section 296: Disturbing religious assembly

Whoever voluntarily causes disturbance to any assembly lawfully engaged in the performance of religious worship, or religious ceremonies, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.

IPC Simplified Explanation

IPC Section 296 of the Indian Penal Code addresses the offence of disturbing any religious assembly. This section is designed to protect the sanctity and peace of religious gatherings from disruptions. The key element of this offence is the disturbance of a lawful religious assembly by any means that disrupts or interrupts the assembly proceedings.

The disturbance can include any form of intrusive or disrespectful behaviour that interferes with the conduct of religious ceremonies or practices. The law ensures that all religious assemblies can operate without external disturbances that could lead to unrest or conflict among attendees.

Is IPC Section 296 Bailable?

IPC Section 296 is a bailable offence. Individuals accused under this section have the right to be released on bail. They can seek bail from the police station itself without necessarily appearing before a magistrate unless the situation or the severity of the disturbance suggests otherwise.

IPC Section 296 Punishment

An offence under IPC Section 296 can result in imprisonment for a term extending to one year, a fine, or both. The exact penalty is determined based on the nature of the disturbance, its impact on the religious assembly, and any previous offences by the accused.

Example of IPC Section 296

A real-life example of the application of IPC Section 296 occurred in 2014 in Mumbai, India. A group of individuals entered a mosque during prayer time. It started playing loud music on speakers, deliberately disrupting the prayers. The local community filed a complaint, and the individuals were arrested under IPC Section 296 for disturbing the religious assembly. The case highlighted the importance of respecting the sanctity of spiritual gatherings and the role of the law in maintaining peace and order during such events.

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