Section 171F: Punishment for undue influence or personation at an election

Whoever commits the offence of undue influence or personation at an election shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year or with fine, or with both. 

Simplified Explanation 

Section 171F of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) addresses the offence of undue influence or personation at an election. This section is designed to safeguard the integrity of the electoral process by penalizing actions that interfere with the free exercise of electoral rights through coercion or deceit. Here are the primary aspects of this section: 

  • Undue Influence: This section deals with any direct or indirect attempt to interfere with the free exercise of electoral rights. It includes using force, threats, or intimidation to influence a person’s voting behaviour. 
  • Personation: The section also covers the act of personation at an election, which involves voting or attempting to vote using the identity of another person, whether living, dead, or fictitious. 

Is IPC Section 171F Bailable? 

IPC Section 171F prescribes a non-bailable offence. This means that individuals accused under this section do not have the automatic right to be released on bail and must apply to a court for it. 

IPC Section 171F Punishment 

The punishment for offences under IPC Section 171F includes imprisonment for a term extending to one year, with a fine, or with both. This applies to both acts of undue influence and personation at elections. 

Example of IPC Section 171F 

A real-life example involving IPC Section 171F occurred during local government elections. An individual was caught attempting to vote multiple times using different voter IDs. The person was charged with personation under Section 171F for trying to cast votes under identities that were not his own. This case highlighted the critical role of this section in preventing fraudulent practices that undermine the democratic process.

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