IPC Section 140: Wearing garb or carrying token used by soldier, sailor or airman

Whoever, not being a soldier, sailor or airman in the Military, Naval or Air service of the Government of India, wears any garb or carries any token resembling any garb or token used by such a soldier, sailor or airman with the intention that it may be believed that he is such a soldier, sailor or airman, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both. 

IPC Section 140: Simplified Explanation 

Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 140 deals with “Wearing garb or carrying token used by soldier, sailor or airman.” This section criminalizes the act of any person not a member of the armed forces wearing any uniform or garb or carrying any token recognized as being used by soldiers, sailors, or airmen. The primary concern is to prevent impersonation and the potential misuse of military authority by civilians or unauthorized individuals. 

This law is essential to maintaining the sanctity and respect for military attire and insignia and to preventing any confusion or deception that could arise from unauthorized use of such items. It helps ensure that the symbols of military authority are not used for unlawful purposes or to deceive the public. 

Is IPC Section 140 Bailable? 

IPC Section 140 is a bailable offence. This allows the accused to have the right to seek and potentially receive bail from the court during the legal proceedings. 

IPC Section 140 Punishment 

The punishment for an offence under IPC Section 140 can include imprisonment for up to three months, a fine, or both. The court determines the exact sentence based on the case’s specifics, including the intent behind wearing the military garb or carrying the token. 

Example of IPC Section 140 

A real-life example of IPC Section 140 could involve a person who dresses in an army uniform and attempts to access military facilities or obtain privileges meant for actual military personnel. Such cases, when they occur, are often reported in the news due to the security implications and the potential for creating confusion or undermining military authority. These incidents are dealt with promptly to uphold the integrity of the armed forces and deter similar offences.

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