Section 4A: Establishment of Railway Land Development Authority

1[4A. Establishment of Railway Land Development Authority.– The Central Government may, by notification, establish an authority to be called the Rail Land Development Authority to exercise the powers and discharge the functions conferred on it by or under this Act.

1 Ins. by Act 47 of 2005, s. 3 (w.e.f. 30-8-2006).

Simplified Explanation

Section 4A of the Railways Act, 1989 was inserted through Act 47 of 2005 and focuses on the establishment of the Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA). This section outlines the creation of an entity responsible for managing and developing railway land.

Sub-section (1): Establishment of Rail Land Development Authority

  • The Central Government has the power to establish an authority called the Rail Land Development Authority.
  • The establishment is done through a notification, which officially creates the authority and defines its powers and functions.
  • The RLDA is tasked with exercising the powers and discharging the functions that are conferred on it either by the Railways Act, 1989, or through other related legal provisions.

The purpose of the Rail Land Development Authority is to oversee and manage the development of surplus land held by the Indian Railways, including converting railway land for various commercial or residential uses while ensuring it aligns with the broader infrastructure goals of the Indian Railways.


Section 4A empowers the Central Government to establish the Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA), a specialized body that is responsible for the development and utilization of railway land. By creating this authority, the government aims to manage surplus railway land more effectively and promote its development in a way that benefits both the railway system and the public.

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