Payment and Settlement Systems Act: Section 10 – Power to determine standards

(1) The Reserve Bank may, from time to time, prescribe–

(a) the format of payment instructions and the size and shape of such instructions;

(b) the timings to be maintained by payment systems;

(c) the manner of transfer of funds within the payment system, either through paper, electronic means or in any other manner, between banks or between banks and other system participants;

(d) such other standards to be complied with the payment systems generally;

(e) the criteria for membership of payment systems including continuation, termination and rejection of membership;

(f) the conditions subject to which the system participants shall participate in such fund transfers and the rights and obligations of the system participants in such funds.

(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1), the Reserve Bank may, from time to time, issue such guidelines, as it may consider necessary for the proper and efficient management of the payment systems generally or with reference to any particular payment system.

Simplified Explanation

Section 10 of the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 grants the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) the power to determine standards for the operation of payment systems in India. This section provides the RBI with the authority to issue prescriptions and guidelines that ensure the proper functioning and efficiency of payment systems. Here’s a detailed breakdown of this section:

Key Provisions of Section 10:

1. Prescribing Standards for Payment Systems (Subsection 1):

The RBI has the authority to prescribe various standards that payment systems must comply with. These include:

  • Format of Payment Instructions: The RBI can prescribe the format (how payment instructions should be structured) and the size and shape of such instructions. This helps in ensuring uniformity and standardization in payment messages or instructions.
  • Timings for Payment Systems: The RBI can set the timings that payment systems must adhere to, such as the hours during which transactions can be processed or cleared.
  • Manner of Fund Transfer: The RBI can prescribe how funds should be transferred within the payment system, whether it is done through paper, electronic means, or any other method. This includes transfers between banks or between banks and other system participants.
  • Other Standards for Payment Systems: The RBI may specify other general standards that payment systems must comply with. These could cover various operational, technical, or security aspects.
  • Criteria for Membership: The RBI can set the criteria for membership in payment systems, including the conditions under which entities can join, continue, or be terminated from a payment system. This ensures that only eligible and compliant entities can participate in the system.
  • Rights and Obligations of System Participants: The RBI can prescribe the conditions under which system participants will engage in fund transfers, as well as define the rights and obligations of those participants. This creates clear legal and operational frameworks for all parties involved.

2. Issuance of Guidelines (Subsection 2):

In addition to setting mandatory standards, the RBI may also issue guidelines to manage and improve the payment systems in India:

  • These guidelines can apply to all payment systems in general, or they can be specific to a particular payment system.
  • The guidelines can address management, operation, and efficiency, ensuring that payment systems function smoothly and effectively.
  • The guidelines can be updated from time to time as needed, in response to new developments, technological advancements, or changes in the regulatory landscape.


Section 10 provides the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) with the power to:

  • Prescribe standards for various aspects of payment systems, including formats, timings, methods of transfer, membership criteria, and the rights and obligations of participants.
  • Issue guidelines to improve the management and efficiency of payment systems, either generally or with respect to specific systems.

These provisions ensure that payment systems in India operate in a standardized, secure, and efficient manner. They provide the RBI with a robust framework to monitor, regulate, and guide the functioning of payment systems, thus contributing to the stability and integrity of the financial system.

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