Code of Civil Procedure Part I: Power of State Government to transfer suits

(1) Where any party to a suit, appeal or other proceeding pending in a High Court presided over by a single Judge objects to its being heard by him and the Judge is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for the objection, he shall make a report to the { Subs. by the A.O.1937 for “ C.” } [State Government], {Subs. ibid., for “who”.} [which] may, by notification in the Official Gazette transfer such suit, appeal or proceeding to any other High Court:

{Ins., ibid.} [Provided that no suit, appeal or proceeding shall be transferred to a High Court without the consent of the State Government of the State in which that High Court has its principal seat.]

(2) The law applicable to any suit, appeal or proceeding so transferred shall be the law which the Court in which the suit, appeal or proceeding was originally instituted ought to have applied to such case

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