Section 4F: Procedure of transaction of business of Authority

1[4F. Procedure of transaction of business of Authority.– The Authority shall have power to regulate, by means of regulations made by it, its own procedure (including quorum at its meetings) and the conduct of all business to be transacted by it, the constitution of Committees and Sub-Committees of Members and the delegation to them any of the powers (excluding the power to make regulations under this Chapter) and to perform duties of the Authority.]

1. Ins. by Act 47 of 2005, s. 3 (w.e.f. 30-8-2006).

Simplified Explanation

Section 4F of the Railways Act, 1989 grants the Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) the power to regulate its own procedure for conducting business, meetings, and related activities.

Key Points of Section 4F:

  • Power to Regulate Procedure: The RLDA has the authority to establish its own procedures for conducting its affairs. This includes setting guidelines for the quorum required at meetings and determining how the business of the Authority is conducted. This provision gives the RLDA operational flexibility to function efficiently.
  • Constitution of Committees and Sub-Committees: The RLDA can form committees and sub-committees made up of its members. These committees may be assigned specific tasks or functions to support the overall objectives of the RLDA. It is within the RLDA’s power to delegate specific duties or responsibilities to these sub-committees as necessary.
  • Delegation of Powers: The RLDA can delegate powers to its committees or sub-committees to carry out specific tasks. However, it is important to note that the RLDA cannot delegate the power to make regulations under this chapter. This ensures that the core regulatory functions remain under the direct control of the RLDA.


Section 4F provides the Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) with the flexibility to regulate its own procedures, including how meetings are conducted, the formation of committees, and the delegation of powers to sub-committees. This provision allows the RLDA to manage its operations in a way that suits its functions while ensuring that certain powers, like making regulations, remain under its direct control.

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