Section 4E: Powers of Authority to enter into agreements and execute contracts

1[4E. Powers of Authority to enter into agreements and execute contracts.– Subject to such directions as may be given to it by the Central Government, the Authority shall be empowered to enter into agreements on behalf of the Central Government and execute contracts.]

1. Ins. by Act 47 of 2005, s. 3 (w.e.f. 30-8-2006).

Simplified Explanation

Section 4E of the Railways Act, 1989 provides the Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) with the authority to enter into agreements and execute contracts on behalf of the Central Government, subject to any directions issued by the government.

Key Points of Section 4E:

  • Empowerment to Enter into Agreements and Execute Contracts: The Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) is authorized to enter into agreements and execute contracts in relation to its functions and responsibilities, as assigned by the Central Government. This gives the RLDA the flexibility and legal backing to negotiate and formalize arrangements with external parties, such as developers, contractors, and consultants, to carry out its tasks.
  • Subject to Central Government’s Directions: The RLDA’s power to engage in agreements and contracts is not unlimited. It is subject to the directions given by the Central Government. This ensures that all activities undertaken by the RLDA align with the government’s broader policies and objectives.


Section 4E grants the Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) the power to enter into agreements and execute contracts on behalf of the Central Government while being guided by any specific directions issued by the government. This provision ensures that the RLDA can function effectively, making necessary arrangements and partnerships while staying in line with government priorities and policies.

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