IPC Section 55A: Definition of appropriate Government

In sections fifty-four and fifty-five the expression “appropriate Government” means, —

(a) In case where the sentence is a sentence of death or is for an offence against any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of the Union extends, the Central Government; and

(b) In case where the sentence (whether of death or not) is for an offence against any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of the State extends, the Government of the State within which the offender is sentenced.

1. Subs. by the A.O. 1950, for section 55A which had been ins. by the A.O. 1937.

IPC Section 55A: Simplified Explanation

IPC Section 55A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) provides a clear definition of the term “appropriate Government,” which is a crucial aspect when considering the authority responsible for the execution of specific provisions within the IPC, such as the commutation of sentences (Sections 54 and 55). This definition is essential for understanding which government body has the jurisdiction to make decisions regarding the alteration of sentences, among other responsibilities detailed within the IPC.

Text of Section 55A IPC: “In sections 54 and 55, the term ‘appropriate Government’ means—

(a) in cases where the sentence is a sentence of death or [imprisonment for life] [or imprisonment for a term exceeding seven years], the Central Government or the State Government;

(b) in cases where a Court-martial court has passed the sentence (whether of imprisonment or not), the Central Government;

(c) in cases where the sentence is a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years, the State Government or the Administrator of the Union territory, as the case may be;

(d) in any other case, the Central Government or the State Government or the Administrator of the Union territory, as the case may be.”

Critical Elements of Section 55A:

  1. Delineation of Authority: Section 55A delineates the authority between the Central Government, State Government, and Administrators of Union territories, specifying which government body is considered “appropriate” based on the nature of the sentence or the Court that passed the sentence.
  2. Types of Sentences: The definition varies according to the sentence (death, life imprisonment, imprisonment for a term exceeding or not exceeding seven years) and whether a Court-martial passed the sentence.
  3. Central and State Government Roles: For the most severe sentences (death, life imprisonment, or imprisonment exceeding seven years), the Central or State Government is deemed the appropriate authority. This reflects the gravity of these sentences and the level of oversight required for decisions related to them.
  4. Special Consideration for Court Martial Sentences: Sentences passed by Court-martial fall under the exclusive purview of the Central Government, recognizing the unique nature of military justice.
  5. Local Governance for Less Severe Sentences: For sentences of imprisonment not exceeding seven years, the authority rests with the State Government or the Administrator of the Union territory, reflecting a decentralization of decision-making for less severe cases.


  • Clarity in Legal Proceedings: Section 55A provides clear guidelines on which governmental body has the authority to make decisions in various scenarios, facilitating the legal process for commutation, pardon, and other sentence alterations.
  • Jurisdictional Authority: Understanding the definition of “appropriate Government” helps identify the correct jurisdiction for appeals and applications related to sentence modification, ensuring that such requests are directed to the proper authority.
  • Administrative Efficiency: By defining the appropriate Government based on the type of sentence and judicial forum, Section 55A aids in administrative efficiency, ensuring that cases are handled by the government body best equipped to deal with them.

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