IPC Section 325: Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt

Whoever, except in the case provided for by section 335, voluntarily causes grievous hurt, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine.

IPC Section 325: Simplified Explanation

IPC Section 325 of the Indian Penal Code addresses the offence of “voluntarily causing grievous hurt.” This section is invoked when an individual intentionally or knowingly causes an injury that falls under grievous hurt as defined in IPC Section 320. This includes severe injuries such as permanent loss of sight, severe disfigurement, fractures, and other major injuries that significantly impact the victim’s health or capabilities. 

Key elements of this section include: 

  • Intent or Knowledge: The person must have the intention or knowledge that their actions are likely to cause grievous hurt. 
  • Act of Causing Grievous Hurt: The actions result in one of the types of injuries classified as grievous under Section 320. 

Is IPC Section 325 Bailable? 

IPC Section 325 is a non-bailable offence. Given the severity of the injuries involved and the potential for significant harm, the accused must appear before a court to seek bail. 

IPC Section 325 Punishment 

The Punishment under IPC Section 325 for voluntarily causing grievous hurt includes: 

  • Imprisonment for up to seven years, 
  • And also liable to a fine. 

The exact sentence depends on the severity of the grievous hurt inflicted, the circumstances of the offence, and other relevant factors the court considers. 

Example of IPC Section 325 

A real-life example of IPC Section 325 occurred in a domestic dispute where a husband attacked his wife with a heavy iron rod, resulting in the woman suffering multiple fractures and permanent disfigurement. The injuries qualified as grievous hurt under Section 320, and the husband was charged under Section 325 for his actions. The case highlighted the serious nature of the injuries and the legal repercussions for causing such harm domestically. This incident demonstrated how the law applies to cases involving severe and life-altering injuries.

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