IPC Section 266: Being in possession of false weight or measure

Whoever is in possession of any instrument for weighing, or of any weight, or of any measure of length or capacity, which he knows to be false, intending that the same may be fraudulently used, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.

IPC Section 266: Simplified Explanation 

IPC Section 266 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) addresses the offence of having any false weight or measure with the knowledge that it is false. This section is designed to penalize individuals who possess such false weights or measures intending to use them fraudulently or to cheat others.  

The essential elements of this offence are: 

  • The possession of the false weight or measure. 
  • The knowledge of its falsehood. 
  • The intent to use it for fraudulent purposes. 

Is IPC Section 266 bailable? 

Yes, IPC Section 266 is bailable. This means that a person accused under this section has the right to be released on bail, subject to the conditions set by the court. 

IPC Section 266 Punishment 

The punishment for an offence under IPC Section 266 is imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, with a fine, or with both. The court has the discretion to impose a suitable punishment based on the case’s specifics and the offence’s severity. 

Example of IPC Section 266 

A vendor is found to have a set of weights that have been altered to be lighter than their indicated weight. The vendor knows these weights are false and intends to use them to cheat customers by providing less quantity of goods than what is paid. Upon discovery, the vendor is charged under IPC Section 266 for having false weights and intending to use them fraudulently.

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