IPC Section 251: Delivery of Indian coin, possessed with knowledge that it is altered

Whoever, having coin in his possession with respect to which the offence defined in section 247 or 249 has been committed, and having known at the time when he became possessed of such coin that such offence had been committed with respect to it, fraudulently or with intent that fraud may be committed, delivers such coin to any other person, or attempts to induce any other person to receive the same, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine.

IPC Simplified Explanation 

IPC Section 251 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) deals with the offence of delivering an altered coin with the knowledge that it is changed. This section addresses the situation where a person, having knowledge or reason to believe that a coin is altered, delivers the same to another person, intending to use it as genuine or using it to deceive. 

Is IPC Section 251 bailable? 

Yes, IPC Section 251 is a bailable offence. This means that the accused has the right to be released on bail upon furnishing the required surety or fulfilling other conditions set by the court. 

IPC Section 251 Punishment 

The punishment for IPC Section 251 is imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, with a fine, or with both. This indicates that the court has the discretion to impose a prison term, a monetary fine, or both, depending on the circumstances and severity of the offence. 

Example of IPC Section 251 

Consider a situation where a person named Rajesh finds an old coin that has been tampered with to look like a higher denomination coin. Rajesh, knowing that the coin has been altered, decides to use it to buy goods from a local shop. He hands over the coin to the shopkeeper, pretending it to be a genuine higher denomination coin. The shopkeeper later discovers the alteration and reports it to the authorities. In this case, Rajesh can be prosecuted under IPC Section 251 for delivering a coin he knew was altered with the intention of deceiving the shopkeeper.

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