IPC Section 241: Delivery of coin as genuine, which, when first possessed, the deliverer did not know to be counterfeit

Whoever delivers to any other person as genuine, or attempts to induce any other person to receive as genuine, any counterfeit coin which he knows to be counterfeit, but which he did not know to be counterfeit at the time when he took it into his possession, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine to an amount which may extend to ten times the value of the coin counterfeited, or with both.


  1. A a coiner, delivers counterfeit Company’ rupees to his accomplice B, for the purpose of uttering them. B sells the rupees to C, another utterer, who buys them knowing them to be counterfeit. C pays away the rupees for goods to D, who receives them, not knowing them to be counterfeit. D, after receiving the rupees, discovers that they are counterfeit and pays them away as if they were good. Here D is punishable only under this section, but B and C are punishable under section 239 or 240, as the case may be.

IPC Section 241: Simplified Explanation 

IPC Section 241 addresses the offence of delivering counterfeit coins while knowing at the time of delivery that they are counterfeit. This section criminalizes the act of knowingly attempting to pass off counterfeit coins as genuine currency. The intent behind this provision is to deter individuals from distributing counterfeit coins and to protect the integrity of the currency system. 

Is IPC Section 241 bailable? 

The offence under IPC Section 241 is classified as non-bailable. This means that an individual accused of delivering counterfeit coins with the knowledge of their falsity at the time of delivery does not have the automatic right to be released on bail. The court has the discretion to grant bail after considering factors such as the severity of the offence, the evidence against the accused, and the risk of the accused fleeing or tampering with evidence. 

IPC Section 241 Punishment 

The punishment for the offence under IPC Section 241 is severe to act as a deterrent against the circulation of counterfeit coins. A person convicted under this section can be sentenced to imprisonment of either description (rigorous or straightforward) for a term that may extend to ten years, along with a fine. This stringent punishment reflects the severe nature of the crime and aims to prevent the distribution and use of counterfeit coins. 

Example of IPC Section 241 

A real-life example of IPC Section 241 could involve an individual named Ankit, who knowingly tried to use counterfeit coins at various shops in his city. Ankit was aware that the coins were fake but attempted to pass them off as genuine currency to unsuspecting shopkeepers. After receiving complaints from multiple vendors who detected the counterfeit coins, law enforcement officials apprehended Ankit and found several counterfeit coins in his possession. He was arrested and charged under IPC Section 241 for delivering counterfeit coins with knowledge of their falsity at the time of delivery. Due to the non-bailable nature of the offence, Ankit was not granted bail and remained in custody during the trial. Upon conviction, he was sentenced to ten years of rigorous imprisonment and fined, highlighting the serious legal consequences of knowingly delivering counterfeit coins.

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