IPC Section 181: False statement on oath or affirmation to public servant or person authorized to administer an oath or affirmation

Whoever, being legally bound by an oath or affirmation to state the truth on any subject to any public servant or other person authorized by law to administer such oath or affirmation, makes, to such public servant or other person as aforesaid, touching that subject, any statement which is false, and which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine. 

IPC Section 181: Simplified Explanation 

IPC Section 181 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) pertains to “False statement on oath or affirmation to a public servant or person authorized to administer an oath or affirmation.” This offence involves a person making a false statement or providing false information, knowing it to be false, while under oath or affirmation in front of a public servant or other authorized person. The section targets actions where individuals deliberately provide untruthful information during legal, administrative, or official procedures, impacting the integrity and outcomes of these processes. 

Is IPC Section 181 bailable? 

IPC Section 181 is a bailable offence. This means an individual arrested under this section can secure their release on bail while awaiting further legal proceedings. 

IPC Section 181 Punishment 

The punishment for an offence under IPC Section 181 includes simple imprisonment for a term extending to three years, with a fine, or with both. 

Example of IPC Section 181 

A real-life example of IPC Section 181 could involve a person being questioned about their involvement in a crime in a legal proceeding. If the person, while under oath, knowingly provides false information about their whereabouts or actions at the time of the crime, they are committing an offence under this section. Another instance might be during a formal inquiry or investigation where a witness or involved party makes a false declaration under oath, affecting the course of justice or the outcome of the investigation.

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