Chapter IV: General Exceptions
Section 76: Act done by a person bound, or by mistake of fact believing himself bound, by law
Section 77: Act of Judge when acting judicially
Section 78: Act done pursuant to the judgment or order of Court
Section 79: Act done by a person justified, or by mistake of fact believing himself justified, by law
Section 80: Accident in doing a lawful act
Section 81: Act likely to cause harm, but done without criminal intent, and to prevent other harm
Section 82: Act of a child under seven years of age
Section 83: Act of a child above seven and under twelve of immature understanding
Section 84: Act of a person of-unsound mind
Section 85: Act of a person incapable of judgment by reason of intoxication caused against his will
Section 86: Offence requiring a particular intent or knowledge committed by one who is intoxicated
Section 87: Act not intended and not known to be likely to cause death or grievous hurt, done by consent
Section 88: Act not intended to cause death, done by consent in good faith for person’s benefit
Section 89: Act done in good faith for benefit of child or insane person, by or by consent of guardian
Section 90: Consent known to be given under fear or misconception
Section 91: Exclusion of acts which are offences independently of harm caused
Section 92: Act done in good faith for benefit of a person without consent
Section 93: Communication made in good faith
Section 94: Act to which a person is compelled by threats
Section 95: Act causing slight harm
Section 96: Things done in private defense
Section 97: Right of private defense of the body and of property
Section 98: Right of private defense against the act of a person of unsound mind, etc.
Section 99: Acts against which there is no right of private defense
Section 100: When the right of private defense of the body extends to causing death
Section 101: When such right extends to causing any harm other than death
Section 102: Commencement and continuance of the right of private defense of the body
Section 103: When the right of private defense of property extends to causing death
Section 104: When such right extends to causing any harm other than death
Section 105: Commencement and continuance of the right of private defense of property
Section 106: Right of private defense against deadly assault when there is risk of harm to innocent person